Visualizing Water Savings with Internet-Connected Commercial Kitchen Equipment


Recycled Hydro Solutions' innovative RinseWell product saves water. It saves a lot of water. In fact, it saves so much water that when RHS approached Lofty Labs to build a dashboard showcasing the savings, our team had to craft an innovative visualization to demonstrate just how efficient the device is.

RHS needed a cloud-based tool to remotely monitor and collect data from each of their devices deployed in the field. Using this data, RHS dreamed of a dashboard that restaurant owners would proudly display front-of-house to advertise their eco-friendly kitchen practices.

Lofty built a cloud-based analytics application using Python and Django which allows real time data from the RinseWell devices to be consumed by a GraphQL API interface. This platform allowed our team to construct tools that RHS can use to monitor their devices in real time. The Lofty Labs team designed a system of dashboards, built with Vue.js, which can demonstrate the real time water savings of devices at a particular location. We designed the dashboard to use a comparison narrative--what RinseWell used, vs. what a traditional dipper well would have used--using a one gallon jug as a common visual representation that is meaningful to a everyone.

RHS featured the RinseWell dashboard in the vendor hall of the National Restaurant Associations annual expo in Chicago, connected to a live device in a popular espresso bar. The comparative visualization is very often staggering -- for every fraction of a gallon consumed by a RinseWell Smart Eco Rinse device, a traditional dipper well would have consumed dozens of gallons.

The platform is being expanded iteratively to roll up dashboards for multi-store customers who want to visualize their savings cross-store or even cross-region, as well as adding tools that assist RHS in the service and maintenance of its growing fleet of deployed devices.